Author: David Blumenthal

In this three-year project, we will develop a network-based software platform for dynamic and explorative analysis of of the CHRIS cohort data. The project will be carried out in collaboration with TUM, Eurac Research, and UNIBZ.

Category: News

Together with partners from TUM and University of Hamburg, we will develop dimensionality reduction techniques for scRNA-seq data based on inference of differential gene regulatory network. The new methods will be used to investigate CD4 helper T cell exhaustion, a limiting factor in immunotherapy.

Category: News

DIGEST is a systems medicine tool for the in silico validation of gene and disease sets, clusterings, and subnetworks w.r.t. genetic and functional coherence. It is available as a web service, as a Python package, and via a REST API.

Category: Software

We are happy to announce that our paper "Querying Temporal Anomalies in Healthcare Information Systems and Beyond" has been accepted at ADBIS 2022.

Category: News