Author: David Blumenthal

We are happy to announce that our new method for robust disease module mining based on enumeration of diverse prize-collecting Steiner trees has been published in Bioinformatics.

Category: News

ROBUST is a Python tool which uses enumeration of diverse prize-collecting Steiner trees to compute disease modules that are robust to random bias.

Category: Software

Fever-PCA (federated principal component analysis for vertically partitioned data) is a federated, privacy-preserving tool for principal component analysis, including patient stratification and dimensionality reduction.

Category: Software

Flimma is a privacy-preserving hybrid federated tool for differential gene expression analysis. Flimma by design preserves the privacy of the local data, since the expression profiles never leave the local execution sites and shared meta-parameters are protected via secure multi-party computation.

Category: Software

Jana is a MSc Medical Engineering student at FAU. On November 1, she joined the BIONETS lab as a student assistant.

Category: News

NeDRex (network-based drug repurposing and exploration) is an interactive network medicine platform for disease module identification and drug repurposing.

Category: Software