Author: David Blumenthal

CorrNet is a Python package for the analysis of historical correspondence networks.

Category: Software

BIONETS lab goes digital history: In our paper "On the role of network topology in German-Jewish recommendation letter networks", we analyze the role of professional networks for emigration of German-Jewish academics from Nazi Germany.

Category: News

TF-Prioritizer is an automated pipeline that prioritizes condition-specific transcription factors from multimodal data and generates an interactive web report.  It accepts ATAC, DNase, or ChIP sequencing and RNA sequencing data as input and identifies TFs with differential activity

Category: Software

Our paper "TF-Prioritizer: a Java pipeline to prioritize condition-specific transcription factors" has just appeared in GigaScience. TF-Prioritizer accepts ATAC, DNase, or ChIP sequencing and RNA sequencing data as input and identifies transcription factors with differential activity.

Category: News

In our paper "Lacking mechanistic disease definitions hamper progress in network medicine and beyond", we show that it can be problematic to uncritically use large-scale disease association databases for pathomechanism mining.

Category: News