Month: August 2021

Surya studied computer engineering at Arizona State University. On September 1, he joined the BIONETS lab as a PhD candidate.

Category: News

AIMe is a community-driven reporting platform for biomedical AI systems. It aims to enhance the accessibility, reproducibility and usability of biomedical AI models, and allows future revisions by the community:

Category: News

The AIMe registry for artificial intelligence in biomedical research is a community-driven platform for reporting biomedical AI systems. It allows authors of new biomedical AIs to report their models in an explicit and transparent fashion and thereby fosters comparability and reproducibility.

Category: Software

Our papers "The Minimum Edit Arborescence Problem and Its Use in Compressing Graph Collections" and "Metric Indexing for Graph Similarity Search" have been accepted at SISAP 2021.

Category: News